Collaboration Through Partnership

Getting Involved is Simple

Past & Current Partners

<p>Let Us Inc.</p>
<p>Haywood Associates</p>
<p>National Fringe Benefits</p>
<p>glow and flow</p>
<p>City National Bank</p>
<p>All That and More</p>
<p>Lifestyle Elevation Media Group</p>
<p>Savile Premium Rumtini</p>
<p>Honey Nail Glam</p>
<p>21st Century STEM</p>
<p>US Bank</p>
<p>Hair confidence</p>
<p>The Business Zone</p>
<p>RBD_PlugIn_4C_Logo2 small</p>
<p>National Congress of Black Women</p>

Our Founder

Alisha is passionate about ensuring that Black women at all levels have access to the resources and tools necessary to acquire and perform leadership roles within organizations or their businesses.

Our Events

We offer events that facilitate sharing best practices and perspectives addressing head-on the unique challenges and opportunities of Black women.

Our Coaches & Facilitators

We provide entry-level and middle management Black women access to like-minded women at various levels of success and within multiple professions and industries to brainstorm, share, and mentor each other.

Show Your Support

Address head-on the professional challenges and opportunities that impact the growth trajectory of Black and Brown women in their careers and entrepreneurial goals.

Opportunities to Connect

Meet executive and high-potential career and businesswomen from various backgrounds and industries.

Market Your Offering

Demonstrate how your product or service would benefit our participants in their career or entrepreneurial endeavors.

Sponsor Your Employee′s Participation

Send your employees or sponsor an under-represented professional to participate as a Bella Member and conference participant.

Send Your Executive as Mentors

Support an executive or leader from your organization as a contributor who shares their experience and wisdom as they mentor participants.

Better Financial Performance

The annual McKinsey and Company report found that there is a correlation between ethnic diversity and financial performance in the United States, pointing out in 2019 that for every 10% increase in ethnic diversity on the senior executive team, earnings before interest and taxes increase by 0.8%. Reinforcing and educating Black women on the importance of building awareness and leveraging best practices around bias can build inroads to better inclusion and performance.

Improved Company Reputation

We are proud of the five-year commitment from HP, Inc., proving that supporting Black professional women hasn’t been a crisis response but an embedded value as HP, Inc. had supported organizations like The Bella Network before it was seen as a newsworthy imperative. Over the years, major businesses have publicly stated their dedication to improving and supporting diversity and inclusion within their organizations. Yet, they haven’t pushed beyond words into actions that support this vision and impact Black women’s percentages.

Increased Employee Engagement

Ethics and gender balance in the workplace are beneficial to your employees. Teaching Black women how to overcome isolation, bias, systemic racism, and sexism helps create an atmosphere where they can appropriately position themselves and leverage best practices to garner respect from other team members as they take a seat at the table. When Black women’s response to adversity gains respect from their colleagues, everyone feels their best, and the team will deliver their best.

Our Partners Will Receive

Acknowledgment and recognition before, during and after events and our conference
  • Lead a Session or Workshop

  • Social Media Post

  • Participate with Bella Members Throughout the Year

  • Website Recognition

  • Market or Sell Your Products

  • Send Executives as Coaches and Mentors

  • Recruit Women of Color

  • Sponsor an Activity or Social Event

  • Provide In-Kind Gifts or Products

We look forward to your participation and support in increasing the trajectory of Black and Brown professional women.