U.S. Economy From a Black Women’s Perspective Why do Black women not see returns on their contributions to the U.S. economy? Huge disparities are still evident. They are undervalued and under compensated despite all their educational, performance and political effort. Black Women are the: Biggest spenders of any other segment Most active group for voting...
Tag: <span>blogger</span>
Black Owned Grocery Store in Compton, CA
Black Owned Grocery Store in Compton, CA Check out The Grocery Outlet at 2175 W. Rosecrans Ave, Compton, CA 90220 owned by 36 years old Kia Patterson. Experience and tenacity pay off for this African American woman. With the help of her family, she is making history in Compton, CA. Experience Pays Off Big...
Schaenae Rourk Chair of the Metro Transportation Business Advisory Council
https://business.metro.net/VendorPortal/faces/home1/advisoryCouncils;jsessionid=x0N2ZmrpDnVd7JzrBDT6xyS2VGLT2f6zrBw2WNkgBpSmVflWnnMp!-1951141497?_afrLoop=3500069734848945&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D3500069734848945%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dnrdj5e8ts_4Schaenae Rourk elected chair of the Metro Transportation Business Advisory Council (TBAC) Congratulation to Schaenae Rourk who was elected to serve as the NAWBO representative and chair of the Metro Transportation Business Advisory Council (TBAC). TBAC plays an important role in advocating for small business owners’ increased access to Metro contracting opportunities. Schaenae is also...