Check out this article by Dana Brownlee written in November 2021 that was originally posted in Forbes: Dear Corporate America: Stop Tone Policing Black Women. We Have Every Right To Be Angry. ( Dear Corporate America: Stop Tone Policing Black Women. We Have Every Right to Be Angry! One of the big points that she...
Category: <span>Team Building</span>
Women Empowerment Is A Thing That Really Shouldn’t Exist At All
Women Empowerment Is A Thing That Really Shouldn’t Exist At All Nashai Catlett Link to original post on Blavity What is your definition of women’s empowerment? The Bella Network’s number one objective is about elevating and empower women of color or more specifically, black women. We don’t throw a lot of social parties, award ceremonies...
How to Become Insanely Well Connected
How to Become Insanely Well Connected Check out the article on How to Become Insanely Well Connected. The article aligns with the preaching and teaching of The Bella Network. They offer their seven rules for making memorable connections where your energy is more important than a new idea, referral or introduction: Convey genuine appreciation...
Is That Wonder Woman in the Next Office or Cubicle?
Is That Wonder Woman in the Next Office or Cubicle? Whether it’s dashing to the top floor with a critical report, jumping into a conference room for a spur-of-the-moment meeting, or volunteering to lead the Emergency Evacuation Team, every company has super-employees who seem able to do almost anything. You wouldn’t even be surprised if......
EQUITY vs. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
The Executive Order (9981), which made discrimination based on “race, color, religion or natural origin” illegal, was initially focused only on all armed services members in 1948 by President Truman. Discrimination in the workforce wasn’t unlawful until the passing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, making it illegal for any business, private or public, to practice discriminatory hiring (and firing) practices. A...
Yes, You Can Do All Things..
Remember, you shouldn’t expect to do all the things by yourself. Even Jesus had a tribe of disciples. As a matter of fact, he had twelve. They were his closest helpers and companions. They had different skills and different roles. Here at The Bella Network, we have a tribe of women from various disciplines and...
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