;jsessionid=x0N2ZmrpDnVd7JzrBDT6xyS2VGLT2f6zrBw2WNkgBpSmVflWnnMp!-1951141497?_afrLoop=3500069734848945&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D3500069734848945%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dnrdj5e8ts_4Schaenae Rourk elected chair of the Metro Transportation Business Advisory Council (TBAC)
Congratulation to Schaenae Rourk who was elected to serve as the NAWBO representative and chair of the Metro Transportation Business Advisory Council (TBAC). TBAC plays an important role in advocating for small business owners’ increased access to Metro contracting opportunities.
Schaenae is also President of Resource Solutions of California, a business development firm, and Partner of Redwood Resources, an outreach, and marketing firm. She also serves as a member of the BART Business Advisory Council and also as a working committee member of the Alameda County Procurement and Contracting Council.
She is active in the small business community and community at large and is passionate about the development of the underserved. Seen as a connector, she leans towards collaborative partnerships as one key to success. As a representative of the small business community, she seeks opportunities to assist in strategic growth development for firms in the $1m-$10m range.
We are proud of all that she is accomplishing!
TBAC is comprised of professional business associations representing an array of industries and trades. The council plays an important role in advocating for small business owners to have increased access to Metro contracting opportunities.
Meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at 9:30 a.m. at Metro Headquarters, One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012
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