Your Hair In Corporate America, What Your Need To Know!

Your Hair In Corporate America, What Your Need To Know!

Your Hair In Corporate America, What Your Need To Know! What do you think about the ruling on prohibiting dreadlocks? Did you know that it is LEGAL for companies to refuse employment based on hairstyles? Should hairstyles be protected from bias? In 2010, a company rescinded their offer of employment after a black woman refused...

How to Become Insanely Well Connected

How to Become Insanely Well Connected

How to Become Insanely Well Connected Check out the article on How to Become Insanely Well Connected.  The article aligns with the preaching and teaching of The Bella Network. They offer their seven rules for making memorable connections where your energy is more important than a new idea, referral or introduction: Convey genuine appreciation...

In The News – Starbucks Manager Demonstrates Unconscious Bias

In The News – Starbucks Manager Demonstrates Unconscious Bias

Starbucks Manager Demonstrates Unconscious Bias Two Black Men are Forcibly Removed from Starbucks It’s important that we add some chatter around the current Starbucks incident.  The former Starbuck’s manager was being her authentic self when she allowed her conscious or unconscious biases to make the decision to call the police on two black men seeking...

Professional Networking Tips Before You Walk In The Room

Professional Networking Tips Before You Walk In The Room

Professional Networking Tips Before You Walk In The Room. Three networking preparation tips: 1) Comfortable Shoes: Professional networking events are about walking, talking, moving, standing and mingling. Don’t expect to find the venue littered with chairs.  You don’t want people to gravitate to a chair or one table for the duration of the event. Chairs...

Schaenae Rourk Chair of the Metro Transportation Business Advisory Council

Schaenae Rourk Chair of the Metro Transportation Business Advisory Council;jsessionid=x0N2ZmrpDnVd7JzrBDT6xyS2VGLT2f6zrBw2WNkgBpSmVflWnnMp!-1951141497?_afrLoop=3500069734848945&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D3500069734848945%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dnrdj5e8ts_4Schaenae Rourk elected chair of the Metro Transportation Business Advisory Council (TBAC) Congratulation to Schaenae Rourk who was elected to serve as the NAWBO representative and chair of the Metro Transportation Business Advisory Council (TBAC). TBAC plays an important role in advocating for small business owners’ increased access to Metro contracting opportunities. Schaenae is also...